I get asked often about good songs to listen to while I run and I thought it would be easies to just share my playlist with you. My tastes in music vary, but when I’m working out I look for songs with a repetitive beat to help keep me with a tempo. You all know that I’m currently training so my runs have changed drastically. No more long runs for me for a while. Boo-hoo! I’m super excited, honestly, about being a better runner so I’m not too upset about it! I have been running harder and faster than I ever have. If you’re looking for a fun playlist for one of your runs, try mine out!
My top favorite songs on this list when I’m running is surprisingly I’m A Believer for the beat and Fight Song for the message!
What are some of your go-to running songs? Let me know in the comments! If you want to follow my running journey, check out my stories on Instagram!
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